The Decision to Homeschool and leave the Public School System

  • Leader
    October 4, 2022 4:51 PM PDT

    Please, Pull Your Kids Out of Public Schools and Homeschool Them Before You Lose Them to the Culture

    That being said, it is growing increasingly and incredibly crucial for parents to make every available effort and sacrifice to pull their children out of the public school system immediately. In fact, even private schools—private Christian schools—are growing increasingly hostile to conservative Christian families who actually believe the Word of God and obey it. I’m not throwing all private Christian schools under the bus, but the good ones are few and far between and even they are becoming out of the financial reach of most Christian parents.

    What’s the alternative? Homeschooling.


    It's a big decision if your children are currently in the public school system.  It's not just bringing your kids home to learn, it's the commitment to creating an atmosphere of learning, a nurturing heart, skipping the laundry, easy dinners because school went off schedule (but you can do that, which is awesome), taking the time to review tomorrow's lesson's and overall, finding the right homeschool groups for your children to thrive in for an after school social time.  The parents in whatever group you may choose need to be on board with your values. 

    My family was lucky enough to fine a homeschool group in my area that was organized by an inspiring mom that just wanted a group of parents and kids to get together for play at local playgrounds and the popular roller skating rink.  To this day, I am still friends with several of the moms, and this is almost twenty years ago. 

    I've been through it all with the trials and triumph's with homeschooling.  I have also had the experience of a private Christian school, which will have to be a story for another day.  This is why I related to this article so much.  Not every Christian school is the right school, just by location or your good friends child goes to that school. Christian schools also have to be aligned with your values, along with offering the extra tools your child may need in any special cases.